Get inspired by other girls:
- Girl Scouts push for plastic bag ban in Teaneck
- Girl Scout volunteers prepare free, reusable plastic bags as residents get ready for Silver City's plastic bag ban
Local Bag Bans & reuse programs:
- King County bag recycling - Bag your Bags, Bring 'em Back (Family Grocer is a participating store)
- Plastic Bag Bans and Fees (11 ordinances in Wash. State)
- Olympia Becomes 10th Wash. City to Ban Plastic Bags
- Seattle Public Bag Bag (July 2012)
- Seattle store owners say plastic bag ban causes more shoplifting
- Issaquah Voters Reject Bag Ban Challenge
- Issaquah's Bag Ban
- Kirkland latest city to ban plastic bags
- Shoreline city council approves plastic bag ban
- Bainbridge plastic bag ban
- Young Voices: How to Ban Plastic Bags in Your Community
- FAQ Portland's plastic bag ban
- Surfrider - Rise Above Plastic
- Save Our Shores - Ban Plastic Bags
- Wiki: Phaseout of lightweight plastic bags
Elect spokesperson.
Other jobs to do: presentation materials (posters, brochures, etc.)
Photos of bag litter.
Contact / Present to city council.